HoS Remarks, 2021 October 1: Installation Address / Joy McGrath
"We Were Made to be Of Use to Each Other"
In addressing the community on the day of her installation as St. Andrew's Fifth Head of School, Joy McGrath, invokes Marge Piercy's poem, "To Be of Use". Joy avers that the work done at the School is a response to the mission, the ministry, the calling of the School: "In this calling, and in this working, we together make our lives at St. Andrew’s with each new day. This is a meaningful and remarkable honor that we share. Each day that I serve this school, I will know it is a privilege to do this work, and an honor to be of use."
In addressing the community on the day of her installation as St. Andrew's Fifth Head of School, Joy McGrath, invokes Marge Piercy's poem, "To Be of Use". Joy avers that the work done at the School is a response to the mission, the ministry, the calling of the School: "In this calling, and in this working, we together make our lives at St. Andrew’s with each new day. This is a meaningful and remarkable honor that we share. Each day that I serve this school, I will know it is a privilege to do this work, and an honor to be of use."