Access to and permission to use materials in the physical archive collection depend upon the condition of the material, legal restrictions, and considerations of confidentiality and privacy requirements.  Researchers, interested faculty and students must be accompanied to the archives by the archivist.  Outside research requests must be approved by Lisa Myers, Library Director, 302-285-4256.


Collection Development Policy

The St. Andrew's School Archive collects, preserves and provides access to records pertaining to the history of the School. Currently, the Archive does not include student records, health records or Business Office records. The collection development policy serves to more specifically identify the types of records determined to be of permanent institutional and historical value. Gifts in many areas are sought and considered. St. Andrew’s School encourages unrestricted gifts and reserves the right to turn down a gift with donor restrictions. The School recognizes the rights of faculty and private donors so impose reasonable restrictions on materials to protect privacy and confidentiality.

To view a listing of the Archival Collections, click here.

Printed Publications – publications related to the organization and function of the School and its various programs. This includes but is not limited to catalogs, handbooks, newsletters, student newspapers and literary magazines, yearbooks and alumni magazines.
Official Records – includes minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports that pertain to the Boards of Trustees, deans, faculty, administration, committees and departments.

Selected Materials – includes any audiovisual and graphic materials pertaining to the School, such as scrapbooks, videotapes, dvds, photographs, slides and sound recordings.

Biographical Information – includes written histories of the School, papers of significance to the career of retired or deceased faculty, administrators, alumni, Board of Trustee members and other individuals significant to the history of the School.

Headmaster’s Office – annual reports, talks, speeches, papers, etc.

Academics – syllabi, course descriptions, Middle States Association reports, curriculum, commencement and roll books.

Special Collections – distinct collections as determined to be included in the Archive. Examples of special collections are the Gun Collection, the Natural History Museum Collection and the Edith Pell Scrapbook.

All materials should be transferred in the order in which they were created and maintained by the office or department. A completed deed of gift must accompany any materials delivered to the Archives.


Copyright Information

The St. Andrew's School Archive online images have been made available for educational and research use only. For these purposes, you may make one copy for personal use. This copy may not be sold, loaned, copied or published without the express permission of the Irene duPont Library, St. Andrew's School. For any other use in any medium, you must contact the archivist at

Much of the material that is digitally copied on this Web site is over 50 years old and, because of the passage of time, copyright holders cannot always reasonably be identified or traced. In many cases, St. Andrew's School makes no representation that they are the owner of the copyright; any researcher wishing to make use of any archival item must therefore assume all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of Title 17 of the United States Code.

For more information on copyright, go to the U.S. Copyright Office website in the Library of Congress. They maintain a list of Copyright Information Circulars and Forms. Scroll to find "Circular 21-Reprodutions of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians." In addition, the U.S. Copyright Office maintains a list of Internet Resources.


How to Cite Archival Items

When using material from the St. Andrew’s School Archive, please acknowledge its source by clearly stating the name of the original author/photographer, title, publisher, date and other publication information as known. You must also acknowledge the St. Andrew’s School Archive as the digital publisher. Be as specific as possible, including the URL (Web address).

For information on citing Internet resources, see "Citation Guides for Electronic Documents," maintained by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).