Playbill: "Galileo" / Performed 1978
The St. Andrew's Theatre Project, Director and Production Design: Lisa Hemphill, Assistant Director: John Springer, Stage Manager: Anne Rhodes, Lighting Designer: Allen Jarmon, Props: Tom Schreppler, Costumiere: Melissa Maybee, Janice Putnam, House Manager: Tim Bishop, Costume Crew: Melissa Maybee, Alison Amos, Ellen O'Shaughnessy, Alison Pell, Barbara Klein-Essink, Martha Scherer, Janice Putnam, Louisa Hemphill, Terry Hemphill, Dottie Colburn, Kim Niles, Lisa Hemphill, Production Crew: Doug Moon, Angus Lawton, Dan Melcher, Wayne See, Richard Costello, Kirk Jones, Danny Myer, Richard Corney, Andy McDowell, Geoff Hamilton, Bill Wallace, Mike Harvey, Ron Tostevin, Tom Schreppler, Sue Martin, Lisa Hemphill, Prop Crew: Tom Schreppler, Mike Harvey, Sue Martin, Bret Peters, Rob Colburn, Geoff Hamilton, Craig Blakely, Lighting Crew: Allen Jarmon, Bill Wallace, Program Cover: Michael Harvey. Special thanks to: Wayne See from the Annenberg Center.