St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1979 Fall
The cover of the bulletin features Athletic Director, Robert Colburn before the final play at the St. Andrew's vs Tatnal Game. St. Andrew's won 8-6. On the content page, photo's of the following students appear: Rich Smith '81, Hank Jacoby '81, Ann (Boo) Percy '83, Andy Gaylord '81, Leslie Beard '81 and John Pegg '83. John O'Brien writes about the increased interest in independent and boarding school education. Other features in this magazine are: "Why Are You Here?" by Robert Stegeman; "The Telescope of time"; by William H. Amos; "SAS ... a Hostel for Elders;" "Impressions of America"; "Vampirism" by John Garvick. Essays, poetry and drawings by SAS students can also be found in this magazine. This issue of the magazine includes remarks from the headmaster, senior master and the academic dean. Many photos from orientation weekend, Washington, DC area dinner, as well as the sports teams. Alumni news, class notes and photos of the new student center can be found in this magazine. An emphasis on the arts with poetry, drawing and the fall play, Dracula.