St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1984 Winter
Longtime science teacher Bill Amos contributes a lengthy article about Noxontown Pond. Director of Admissions, John Niles writes about alumni assisting in the growth of admissions, Children of Alumni, Siblings of Alumni and Siblings in the Student Body. Allen Morgan '61 is elected to the Board of Trustees. Bios and photos of new faculty are included along with fall sports review by Bob Colburn. Alumni profiles include an article by Oliver van Petten '40, about his life in Saudi Arabia and John Topham '38 discusses his first trip to Saudi. Many class notes can be found as well as photos from reunion. Parker Coleman '76 writes about his tour for the USO. In Memorium column bids farewell to James Hughes '34, Wayne Vetterlein '41 and George Gillet III '43.