St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1985 Winter
The front cover of this issue exhibits the alter egos of art majors Wendy Downing '85 and Kim Stoddard '85. The inside cover article written by Chip Wheelock '86, describes the exciting post soccer season. The Saints, coached by Tad Roach, went to the State Tournament winning the quarter finals 3 -1 over Caesar Rodney, winning the semi-finals 1- 0 over Brandywine and finally a head to head barn burner with McKean losing 3 -2 in double overtime. Headmaster Jon O'Brien delivers his From the Headmaster column. Stock broker Randy Brinton '64 writes of his biking across the country during the summer of 1984. Head of the Religion Department and Associate Chaplain Sandy Ogilby writes to us from Jerusalem where he is attending a ten-week course during his sabbatical. Sam McIlvain '85 is voted Player of the Year in the Independent Conference and first team All State soccer player and Tad Roach is named soccer conference Coach of the Year with three conference championships. The naming of buildings and corridors for School's Founders and Former Masters. Bios and photos of new faculty members, Dexter Chapin '63, DyAnn Miller, Mark Green, Thomas Heise, Christine Raushenbush and Virginia Golder. Many class notes and photos are included as well as photos with captions from the Alumni/ae Leaders Workshop. Class agents submitted reunion news and pictures and In Memorium bids farewell to Peter Von Starck '59 and foodservice employee John Fillingame.