St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1993 Spring
This issue's front and back covers feature the newly opened Genereaux Aquatic Center. Editor Donna Speers writes about counseling and the many different ways counseling takes place at SAS, e.g., formal/professional, academic, disciplinary. Senior Leigh McCandless '93 reports on spending a day with the campus maintenance crew. A multi-page article from members of the Class of 1983 and what they've experienced over the last ten years. A report on various faculty members summer plans, an update on departing faculty as well as former faculty. Seniors Rob Hargrove' 93 and Halimah DeLaine '93 write on "A Day in the Life of a Saint Andrean." Rachel Burnett '94 lends some excerpts of her diary from a recent School trip to the Holy Land led by Chaplain Rodney Rice. The In Memory section remembers longtime English teacher and tennis coach, Blackburn Hughes and alum Michael Mitchell '39. Class notes and photos also included in this issue.