St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1997 Winter
On this issue's cover is a photograph by New York photographer Peter Freed of a composition by Michael Whalen '84. This issue of the magazine is focused on alumni, faculty and students who have traveled around the world and have shared their experiences in this issue. Steve Amos '74 discusses his museum's partnership with a museum in Patagonia. Over the summer, Beth '84 and Ian MacNairn, St. Andrew's Biology teacher, journeyed to Republic of Congo Catholic Relief Services to write human rights literature and to return displaced people to their homes. Also this summer, Susan Myers '98 traveled with World Learning to the Monkey Bay educational center in Belize for the four-week community service and home-stay program with thirty other students from all over the United States. Susan also shares the powerful lessons she learns from the Peraza family, especially from 6-year-old Carolina. Photo of Carolina Peraza is also featured in the article. Notable fall sports achievements: Football team gets conference win. Field Hockey sets school record of 11-6-1, earning a seat at the first-round state tournament. Boy's-cross country finishes 6th in the state. Girls cross-country team places third in the state. An article written by Tad Roach, covers two articles that describe a crisis for the American boarding school. One article published in the American Scholar by David Hicks and the other was a speech delivered by Rick Hawley, Headmaster of University School in Cleveland, Ohio. In the Headmaster's Note, Tad Roach, speaks about the benefits to being in a small school that "enables us to create a culture within the School that values and celebrates excellence." Bob Colburn '80 weighs in on the discussion that appeared in the magazine about gryphons and dragons. In the feature, Up Front, "Tad Roach is installed as the 4th Headmaster", "Prep for Prep 9 Families Visit St. Andrew's", "Headmaster Travels with a Clear Message", "Turkey Trot is a Winner for Andrew's Place", "Students Pass the Gavel at Yale Model Congress", First Graduate Scholarship Created by Townsends." Also in this feature is a photo of Tad Roach with Chaplain Carl Kunz, faculty member Bob Colburn at the reception following his installation as the fourth headmaster of St. Andrew's School.Bruce Colburn '82 shows his paintings in the Art Gallery and the painting he donated to the school. An article written by Elizabeth Roach speaks of the combined english class with Monica Matouk, which they called mini-exhibitions. Physics teacher, David Onn shares the surprising things about teaching at St. Andrew's. In Memorium column, Tad Roach bids farewell to Rob Carter who was the Director of the Physical Plant. Photo of Headmaster Tad Roach with students Whitt Hance '99 and Emmett Lynskey '98 in the dining hall at St. Andrew's. There are several photos in the Cardinal Points section featuring the fall sports athletes. Fiftieth reunion celebration photos can be found in this issue.
Many class notes and photos can be found throughout this issue.