St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2002 Fall
This issue of the magazine opens with the appointment of four new trustees added to the board. Sabina Forbes P'97, '06, Henry duPont Ridgely '67, Scott Sipprelle '81 and O. Lee Tawes '65 all begin their terms in the fall of 2002.
Headmaster's Note focuses on the importance of the arts not only at SAS but for students everywhere.
Former ambassador Hume Horan '51 comes back to campus to speak to Nan Mein's Modern European history class.
Many members of the faculty spent their summers engaged in enrichment programs including Dan O'Connell, Darcy and Peter Caldwell, Don Duffy, John Burk, Nicole Furlonge and John Austin '83.
Dave DeSalvo writes about his seminary studies and time spent with family during his recent sabbatical.
Gantt Miller, director of Summer Quest updates us on the most recent summer camp.
The feature article in this magazine is written by science teacher extraordinaire Eric Kemer. Eric recently returned from his sabbatical and tells us of how his spent his time at Amherst College studying the activities of the atomic world.
Philip Gerard's '73 new book "Secret Soldiers" is reviewed.
Also highlighted in this issue is the dedication of the new facilities building and the retirement of long time School carpenter, Davey Staats. Many precious photos of SAS past are included in this piece.
The In Memory section honors local alum Robert Shank '57.
Also included in this issue is the schedule for Parents Weekend.