St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2009 Winter
The cover photos of this wintertime issue shows students and faculty playing hockey on the frozen retaining pond and shivering after a Polar Bear swim. Inside are chapel talks by headmaster Tad Roach and French teacher and college counselor Kassy Fritz. Win Schwab ‘36 is remembered with the comments made by Tad Roach. In the Classroom profiles Lindsay Brown’s Advanced Topics Tutorial in History, in which students researched the role of the Episcopal Diocese in Delaware during slavery. Artist Kate Padden ‘95 is profiled. Fall sports updates and an overview of the renovated squash courts are provided. We learn more about students Mike Quist ‘09 and Sarah Haroldson ‘09, staff member Bill Cashion, and Biology teacher and swim coach Bill Wallace. An article on gap years includes experiences of recent graduates Katherine Patrick, Jessica Crawley, Lucy Brady, Tolly Taylor, Chris Speers and Nicola Fleischer, all ‘07. Dominic Seiterle ‘94 shares his experiences rowing in the Beijing Olympics as a member of the Canadian team. In Memory pays tribute to Jesse Nall ‘39, Winthrop Schwab ‘36, R. Stockton Hopkins ‘41, William Sibert ‘42, James Rooney ‘45, Thomas Peter Robinson ‘51, and Frank Howden ‘55.