St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2016 Winter
This special "green" issue of the St. Andrew’s Magazine focuses on the environment and sustainability. Articles explore the School's efforts to mitigate climate change, its approach to land management, and the process of developing a solar array. Student Environmental Stewards lead many of these efforts, together with faculty members Peter McLean and Diana Burk. Photographs capture the annual Outing Club trip to Hawk Mountain and Brookie McIlvaine ’16 reflects on the experience. Inside the classroom, Peter McLean's Environmental Science class and Sara O'Connor ’93 and Elizabeth McGiff's Art in Biology class explore the natural world. SAGE Dining Services increases its commitment to sustainable sourcing, while the St. Andrew's Organic Garden thrives and produces food for the campus. Faculty and staff recommend "green reads." Alumni in environmental careers are profiled, including Jon Goldstein ’92, Mary-Carson Saunders Stiff ’04, Peyton Coles ’04, Joshua Wilson ’95, Barry Benepe ’46 and Barclay Satterfield ’98. Other articles in this issue recap the Women's Network Weekend, which focused on the Art of Healing and featured keynote addresses by Dr. Janice Nevin ’77 P ’13 and former faculty member Dr. Kyla Terhune. Jaryd Jones ’17 profiles astrophysicist and school visitor Dr. Chandra Prescod-Weinstein. Donovan Simpson ’16, Tristan Thomas ’16, and Andrew Zaiser ’16 discuss how they push each other on the football field and around the Harkness table, especially in their recent Humanities exhibition. Winter sports teams and the St. Andrew's Indoor Soccer League (SAISL) enjoy successful seasons. A group of St. Andreans lead by Neely Egan ’16 take the Polar Bear Plunge. Writer Julie Orringer and Deborah Stein, director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, speak on campus. Finally, obituaries are included for Lawrence Parker ’44, William Bathurst ’50, William Howard ’52, Chase Gove ’62, Laura Ziock ’75 and Robert Foster Witmer III, husband of Lili Pell Witmer.