St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1996 January
The main focus of this issue of the magazine is the announcement of Headmaster Jon O'Brien's retirement and the Board of Trustees appointment of Tad Roach as the fourth headmaster of St. Andrew's School. The Sportsbeat section features an update on fall sports including soccer, field hockey, volleyball, cross country and football. Jenny Kern '83 writes an article titled: "It Can Happen to Anyone". Jenny talks about her accident and how she manages with her disability. A reprint of an article published in The New Yorker magazine by John Seabrook '76: "E-mail was last year's way of communicating. This year, it's the Web site: a virtual home where millions can visit you." Science teacher Eric Kemer writes about science and technology at SAS as we head into the 21st century. Laura Shaffer '91 contributed an article that was originally printed in The Beaufort Gazette, about teaching in South Africa. The In Memory section focuses on a few former faculty members; assistant nurse Edith Labour, Modern Language chair Roy Ryan, and art teacher Howard Schroeder as well as Dale Wilkinson '66. Many class notes and photos are also included.