St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1985 Spring
This issue of the magazine celebrates Arbor Day festivities and commencement. Jon O'Brien's from the headmaster includes his chapel talk from September 14, 1983. One page is dedicated to St. Andrew's School Alma Mater song by Marc Cheban. Rt. Rev. Arthur McKinstry is honored with the dedication of the McKinstry Garth where the concert choir sang Marc Cheban's new alma mater song. Photography teacher Bill Carpenter writes an article about his students and submits some of their photos. The IP Program is explained in depth along with photos of Desh Hindle '85, Todd Perry '88, Eliot Mason '85, Matt Koehl '85, Lauren McKee '85, Rich Spry '85. Director of Studies and Registrar Alice Ryan writes of the concert choir's trip to England. Updates from the classroom can be found from the Classical Language Department, Arts Department, English Department and the Modern Language Department. St. Andrew's reaches out...a report from Trustee-Alumnus Win Schwab '36 and his wife Pat who spent much time traveling and meeting other St. Andreans. Jon Rodgers '75 tells us about his meeting with songwriter/actor Loudon Wainwright '65. The back cover of the magazine is a photo of this spring's Point to Point races at Winterthur Museum as captured by photography student Ty Martin '87. Many class notes and photos are also included in this issue.