Bilal Morsi receives a hug from Theatre Director Ann Taylor, while Story Hentoff and Cristle Ike wait to receive their Drama Prizes on Awards Night 2019.
Carolyn Haden Cunningham and Hanna Assieh Soulati share a moment after collecting their Cristin C. Duprey Diversity and Inclusivity Awards at Commencement 2018.
Lou Berl presented the Jonathan B. O'Brien Head of School Award to Caroline Belle Dallam, Danielle Donna Payne, and Lewis Warrington Webb IV during Commencement 2018.
Brando Leggott '18 received the 2018 Larry L. Walker Prize for for Jazz Ensemble (awarded to the student who has made outstanding contributions to the Jazz Ensemble).
The Choir Prize is awarded to the VI Former who has contributed the most to the success and development of the choral program. Pictured here is Cindy Lay '19 receiving the award from Choral Director Quinn Kerrane.