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Collection: Academics, Media Type: Documents


Commencement Address to the Class of 2020 / Tad Roach

Due to COVID-19, the Class of 2020 gathered at the School for a special graduation celebration in June of 2022. At the invitation of Head of School Joy McGrath, previous Headmaster Tad Roach returned to give the commencement address to the Class...

HM Remarks, Awards Night - 2021 May 26 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach remarks given during Awards Night 2021. In honoring the Class of 2021, he recalls their "tumultuous experiences of the 2020-2021 year", and references the COVID-19 pandemic, racism and George Floyd's murder, anti-Asian bigotry.

Awards Night Speech, 2020 - Louise Stilwell

Speaking to the culture of community service at St. Andrew's, Louise Stilwell shared her story of how she was drawn into the program. Originally uninterested, it took a gentle push from Mr...

Convocation 2020 - Deriba Olana

St. Andrew's School math teacher Deriba Olana delivered the 2020 Convocation to kick off the new school year. As this took place in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this convocation was held virtually via Zoom...

IV Form Dinner address, 2020: Bre Pierce '13

Alumni faculty member Bre Pierce delivered this address during the Zoom broadcast of the VI Form dinner. Ms. Pierce welcomed the class of 2020 to the Alumni body, noting that the St. Andrew's experience never really ends.

Commencement Address 2019: Will Speers

Associate Head of School Will Speers gave this keynote address at St. Andrew's 2019 Commencement ceremony. Speers is retiring at the end of this school year after more than 40 years of teaching, living, and leading at St. Andrew's.