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VI Form Dinner Address, 2019 / Amanda Gahagan '11

This talk was given by St. Andrew's math teacher and alum Amanda Gahagan ’11 at the 2019 VI Form Dinner. Each year, the VI Form Dinner welcomes soon-to-graduate seniors to St. Andrew's alumni family.

Convocation 2018 - Giselle Furlonge

Classics teacher Giselle Furlonge '03 was the convocation speaker for the 2018-2019 school year. She tells us about her deep appreciation for Ralph Ellison's book "Invisible Man." Giselle has read this book every summer for the past 15 years...

Chapel Talk, 2018 May 27: Baccalaureate / Louisa Zendt '78

Addressing the Class of 2018, retiring Head of Admissions Louisa Hemphill Zendt '78 reflects upon what drew her to return to St. Andrew's 21 years ago, and the enduring connection St. Andreans will experience throughout their lives.

Convocation 2017 - Will Speers

Associate Head of School and long-time English teacher Will Speers, delivered the 2017 convocation address in Engelhard Hall. Will discussed what it means to be confused and ultimately what you can learn once you've passed that stage...

Convocation 2016 - Ann Taylor

Theatre director and Arts department co-chair Ann Taylor '86 opens up the school year with her convocation, "Focus on the Other." She teaches us how to "be comfortable." She along with dance teacher Avi Gold, go through an exercise that is taught in ..

Commencement Address 2016: J. Kent Sweezey '70

Outgoing President of the Board of Trustees and alumnus J. Kent Sweezey delivered the commencement address to the Class of 2016. Kent encourages the newest alumni to listen to all people, you will expand your horizons...

Qadi of the World: Thirty Years in Dar-Al-Islam

Written and edited by the students of the Advanced Study History Class - "The World of the 14th Century: The Adventures of Ibn Battuta and Historical Fiction Writing."

A physical copy of the book is located in the Library.

The Headmaster's Award 2015

The Headmaster's Award is given to the VI Former who in the opinion of the Headmaster, has made distinguished contributions to the culture of the School...

Commencement Address 2015: Scott Sipprelle '81

Alumnus and Trustee Scott Sipprelle '81 delivered the 2015 commencement address. Scott stresses the importance of stretching yourself and remain curious. He says: "So what tips can I share to help you become one of these inspired individuals?..