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Collection: Academics, Media Type: Documents


The Werth Award 1955

The 1955 Werth Award for Greatest Service to Criss Cross Club was awarded to Powell Hutton '55.

The Malcolm Ford Award 1953

The Malcolm Ford Award, given in memory of Malcolm Ford, Class of 1942, to the boy who best combines the qualities of leadership, good sportsmanship and a cheerful spirit. The 1953 Malcolm Ford Award was awarded to Arthur Wright '53.

Fourth Graduation Exercises

Fourth Graduation Exercises St. Andrew's School, June 12, 1937. This program includes the schedule of the day beginning at 8:15am with chapel service celebrated by the Headmaster, the rector of St. Anne's Parish and the Chaplain...

The Art Prize

The Art Prize is awarded to the students who have contributed the most to the Art Program in effort, originality, and technique in various art forms.

The DyAnn Miller Community Service Award

In 1988, The Community Service Prize was established to honor students who have performed outstanding community service. In 2005, The Community Service Prize was renamed The DyAnn Miller Community Service Award...

The Band Prize

The Band Prize is awarded to the student who has made outstanding contributions to one or more of the music ensembles.

The Chinese Prize

The Chinese Prize is given to the student doing outstanding work in Chinese.

The Calder Prize

The Calder Prize given in honor of Dr. Joseph R. Calder and Virginia Calder and awarded to a III Form student who combines the qualities of good scholarship and a commitment to the service of others.

The Drama Prize

The Drama Prize is awarded in memory of John Fletcher Hinnant, Jr., Class of 1953, to the student who has made the most significant contribution to the Theater Program in effort, creativity, and technique, and have shown exceptional artistic growth a..

The J. Thompson Brown Award

The J. Thompson Brown Award is given to the boy or girl below the VI Form who have made the greatest contributions to School government.

The Captain Williams Music Prize

The Captain Williams Music Prize was named for St. Andrew's first music teacher and bandmaster, Captain Edward Williams. The prize was introduced in 1951 and retired in 1964.

The Malcolm Ford Award

The Malcolm Ford Award is given in memory of Malcolm Ford, Class of 1942, given to the boy and girl below the VI Form who best combines the qualities of leadership, good sportsmanship and a cheerful spirit.

The Dance Prize

In 1982, The Dance Award was created to honor the student who has made outstanding contributions to the Dance Program...