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Collection: Academics, Media Type: Documents


The Ceramics and Sculpture Prize

The Ceramics and Sculpture prize is awarded to the student who has demonstrated a mastery of skills, a strong imaginative quality with his/her work, and proven to be a creative model among his/her classmates.

The Francis L. Spalding Award

The Francis L. Spalding Award is awarded to the IV Form student who has achieved a commendable academic record by distinctive effort.

Tree Guide to St. Andrew's Campus

A tree guide to St. Andrew's Campus, a self-guided walking tour compiled by Plant Biology Class: Craig Kiker, Jennifer Harned, Marie Nash and Robert Rogers.

The W. Lewis Fleming Prize for French

The W. Lewis Fleming Prize for French, given by the alumni in memory of W. Lewis Fleming to the student of French who is the most deserving in interest, effort and achievement.

The Harry C. Parker Prize

The Harry C. Parker Prize given by Harry M. Parker, Class of 1964 in memory of his father, Harry C. Parker, to the VI Form boy or girl who has achieved the greatest academic improvement in his/her St. Andrew's career.

The Gordon H. Sunbury Award

Gordon H. Sunbury was an English teacher from 1941 - 1945. The Gordon H. Sunbury Award was given for academic achievement in the 4th form.