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Collection: Student Life, Media Type: Photos


Photo: "Outdoor Classroom"

Ed Hammond '60 was able to identify two of the three boys appearing in this photo: George Mobley '61 and Carl King '60.

Student and Pottery

The boy in this photograph has been identified by Greg Doyle '87 as John VanderMyde '88.

Heads on the Table

This photo was identified by Camille Cranson (Tootie '93), with the following information: "The head on the left is Rachel Ruane, Brice Phillips, and Jentry Vranian all members of the class of 1993."

Photo: "Road Trip", 1960s.

This photo was identified by Andrew Ringle '66 and Woody Woodruff '60. Andrew writes: "I remember some of these boys as the fifth and sixth formers of my third form year, 1962-63...

Students Helping in Library

Appearing in this photo is Dave Baroody '95, working in the Library as part of the Library Club. This photo was identified by Will Robinson '97.

Photo: "Friends"

This photo was identified by Paul Bramble '95. "Jamie Findlay '94 and Chris Castello '93"

Walking to Class

Robert Moss the second headmaster of St. Andrew's School identified the photo as Sue Moon on the left and Lisa Galloway on the right.

Dance Weekend

Unidentified dance photo. According to the back of the photograph, the band playing was the Lester Lenin Orchestra.

Photo: "Boys Sitting in Window"

This photo was identified by Andrew Ringle '66. "The master in the right-hand window is "Uncle" George Broadbent." George Broadbent '41 returned to St. Andrew's to teach Latin and History from 1949 to 1971...