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Collection: Student Life, Media Type: Photos


Photo: "Boys Sitting in Window"

This photo was identified by Andrew Ringle '66. "The master in the right-hand window is "Uncle" George Broadbent." George Broadbent '41 returned to St. Andrew's to teach Latin and History from 1949 to 1971...

Photo: "Barbershop on Dorm"

Ed Hammond '60 identified the barber in this photo. "Barber is John Houston '60, the place, 6th form corridor. John was a better barber than the man from Middletown."

Playing in Snow

This photo was identified by Richard Baer '62. "The time period is Winter '60 or '61. Standing at the top of the hill, with his head cocked, is Bucky Brinton '61. The slider at the top is either Paul Scholla '61 or Paul Kuehner '62...

Fifth Form Privilege Note

This note was discovered in Edith Pell's scrapbook, written by the fifth form noting that they have the privilege of sending second formers on errands.

Photo: "Boys Hangin' Out"

This photo has been identified by Randy Slaughter '92. From left to right: "Stephane Erard '92, Ted Cotsen '91 and Rob Toomey '92."

Acme Shoe Company, late 1930s

"The weekend starts Wednesday. [T]he girls like a boy that is slick and neat. Think of your drabby shoes. The ACME SHOE COMPANY I[S] PUTTING ON FOR THE THANKSGIVING VACATION A SPECIAL RUSH JOB...

The Boxer

Jenell Williams '98 writes: "That is Brinston Johnson '99 and do believe that this was taken during Halloween, but I'm not sure EXACTLY which year, but it was sometime between the 95-96 and 97-98 years."

Telephone Boy Instructions

One assigned job at the School was Telephone Boy. Headmaster Robert A. Moss, in a memorandum written circa early 1960s, details instructions as to how the job was to be conducted.


"This looks like Joan O'Brien and Alice Duffy probably in 1987 or 1988." This note was submitted by Patrick Montgomery '89.

Smiling Girls

This photo was identified by Harvey Johnson '97, Will Robinson '97 and Will Porter '96. "Talley Wettlaufer '95 and Missy Achenbach '95."