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Collection: Spiritual Life, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2003 March 24 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach gave this talk 2 days after the invasion of Iraq by American forces in 2003. It explores reaction to and reasons behind the pre-emptive war...

Chapel Talk, 2003 April 2 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach gave this talk 2 weeks after the invasion of Iraq by American forces in March 2003. The talk explores the situation in Iraq as reported to the American people by the George W. Bush Administration and by the media...

Chapel Talk, 2003 May 2: Three Teachers / Will Speers

In this talk, Will talks of three inspirational teachers and what they have taught him -- his fourth grade teacher, Sara S. Westcott; 9th grade history teacher Mr. Burns; and St. Andrew's teacher, Nan Mein.

Chapel Talk, 2003 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001. This Chapel Talk discusses American involvement and response to the War on Terror, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Chapel Talk, 2003 / Peter Caldwell

Through telling of his father's life of seasonal enjoyment in Vermont, Assistant Headmaster Peter Caldwell suggests that developing a relationship with nature, and specifically a relationship with the School's 2300 acre campus, is beneficial to mind,..

Chapel Talk, 2002 May 19 / Tad Roach

In this final talk of the School year 2001-2002 held at Old St. Anne's Church, Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the loss of Ches Baum, Hoover Sutton and Robert Jordan'86...

Chapel Talk, 2002 September 25 / Bob Colburn

In this talk, chemistry teacher and baseball coach Bob Colburn proposes ways for getting along well in this School community, offering many suggestions for maintaining a strong communal environment...

Chapel Talk, 2002 May 3: Humiliation / Will Speers

This talk examines what it means to be humiliated and what can be learned in facing humiliation. "It seems that humiliation has the potential to create knowledge, even if the transformation is painful, devastating, frightening."

Chapel Talk, 2002 October 2: Car Trips / Will Speers

The confines of a car, or other small space, can lead "not only to fights and tension and cars pulling over in the breakdown lane, but also to conversations, conversations that start friendships or clarify emotions or assert care
and love and even c..

Chapel Talk, 2002 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001. Included are Poems by Galway Kinnell and Rupert Brook, as well as a quotation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Chapel Talk, 2002 / Dana Byrd

History teacher Dana Byrd provides her interpretation of two N.C. Wyeth images: the infamous mural in the dining hall and Pilgrims, a mural featured in the Metropolitan Life Building.

Chapel Talk, 2002 October 16 / Peter Caldwell

In relaying his coming to love and his passion for opera, Assistant Headmaster Peter Caldwell speaks of the need for time to explore and develop passions of one's own. High school, he suggests, is an ideal time for that discovery.

Chapel Talk, 2002 October / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses empathy and citizenship as manifested in the form of Community Service. "Service is not an expression of selfishness on the part of the volunteer. It is not an expression of condescension, superiority and elitism...

Chapel Talk, 2002 January 30/ Tad Roach

In this talk, Headmaster Tad Roach outlines the criteria for "a community of hope, of goodness" as opposed to one that settles "for lower standards, expectations, diminished codes of conduct." The School is challenged to be a great community.


Chapel Talk, 2001 April 18: Knitting / Nan Mein

Nan Mein, Faculty Member, talks of why she knits, closing with 5 points: "Our lives must be knitted together in community to be strong...; Good work takes time; Knitting for someone else carries love and prayer; Working with your hands disciplines t..

Chapel Talk, 2001 March 28 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach speaks on the nature of sexual relationships that occur without love, without rational thought, with pressure. "I am...concerned about the way sexual relationships begin, develop and end in our culture...

Chapel Talk, 2001 May 20 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the end of the School year 2000-2001: "What elements, what forces have held us back from achieving more, learning more, loving more, aspiring to more?"

Chapel Talk, 2001 September 9/ Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses the significance of historian Professor Joseph Ellis's fabrication of military service: "Professor Ellis wanted the badge of honor of being a war veteran and ironically risked his reputation and identity as a scholar in..