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Collection: Spiritual Life, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 1997 April 11: South Africa / Will Speers

On traveling to South Africa with Deval Patrick. Telling of South Africa's geographical beauty. its history, Nelson Mandela's government. Reflecting on the country's race relations and racial tension and reconciliation. Excursion to St...

Chapel Talk, 1997 January 14 / Will Speers

Will Speers delivers a chapel talk just before the Diversity Forum weekend. He speaks about the hard questions, the difficult discussions that are necessary in any relationship...

Chapel Talk, 1997 April 9 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien laments the turn of the tide, where he sees more students spending time on the computer or in front of the TV instead of enjoying the beauty of nature. The message is simple: go outside, kids.

Chapel Talk, 1996 May 12: Holderness / Will Speers

Talk given at Holderness School in New Hampshire during a sabbatical year. Reflections on OutBack: "As I look back on this year, much of that transition has to do with
Holderness, with my sabbatical, and with the opportunity to experience OutBack...

Chapel Talk, 1996 May 1 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien finally answers to the accusations that St. Andrew's School tries to mold their students to their specifications. Guilty as charged!..

Chapel Talk, 1996 October 30 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien discusses the evolution of faculty/senior leadership within St. Andrew's - how we moved away from harsh authoritative system to a more supportive community of senior guidance and faculty involvement.

Chapel Talk, 1995 February 15 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien recounts the events that lead to his decision to become a teacher. He encourages the student body to find a pursuit that they can believe in, rather than just settling on something that provides financial gain.

Chapel Talk, 1995 April 5 / Jon O'Brien

Taking personal time to clear one's head is essential to well-being. Headmaster Jon O'Brien took a day trip to Smith Island for just such an occasion -- to escape the cacophony of every day life...

Chapel Talk, 1995 December 6 / Jon O'Brien

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted...a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." ..

Chapel Talk, 1995 May 5: Rebellion / Will Speers

Speaks of the Book of Job and righteous anger, defiance and rebellion. "... what kind of life would we have in such complaisance and emotional apathy?" Discusses the movie "Priest", James Pipe's football game, the 60s.

Chapel Talk, 1994 April 27 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien recalls his summers working for Allied Moving Vans, and how the opportunity to drive a cross-country haul provided him with exposure to experiences not found in suburban Connecticut.

Chapel Talk, 1994 September 7 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien discusses the contradiction of the desire to be a part of a group while also being seen as an individual, and the ways these two desires can undo each other.

Chapel Talk, 1994 April 10: Multiculturalism / Will Speers

"... for a country founded on the principles of cultural diversity, religious and intellectual freedom, our tolerance, our ability to meet this rich challenge of multi-culturalism, has been sorely tested." Preparing for multicultural week at St...

Chapel Talk, 1993 March 24: Survival / Will Speers

Life's journey: "How we face that challenge, how we experience it, what happens during the journey -- all these uncover our humanity, our backbone, our purpose." Tale told of the survival of a family in a Utah blizzard.

Chapel Talk, 1992 Fall / Tad Roach

An excerpted chapel talk given in 1992 by Tad Roach prior to his becoming headmaster. He discusses Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. The main emphasis is on the role of the wives of politicians.

Chapel Talk, 1992 Fall: Sickness / Simon Mein

"One way to consider God’s answer to prayer, say for someone to be healed, is to think in terms, not of asking him to re-arrange the molecules that follow physical that my sickness may go away, but rather asking for strength to do all that ..

Chapel Talk, 1992 Fall / Jon O'Brien

This excerpted chapel talk by Headmaster Jon O'Brien discusses the stress of boarding school life. His message is not only for the students but for the faculty as well: "Every human needs time to laugh and play."

Chapel Talk, 1990 September / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien recognizes that while the chapel program may not always be celebrated among the student body, whether the reason is conflict of religious views or that it eats free time, he believes chapel is important time to reflect upon iss..