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Collection: Spiritual Life, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2016 January 6 / Tad Roach

In discussing the story of a Taliban attack on the Afghanistan National Institute of Music, Headmaster Tad Roach speaks of that school's principle's dedication to continue and - in an epiphany-like realization as to the importance of the school's pre..

Chapel Talk, 2016 January 27 / Ann Taylor

Arts Department Co-Chair and Theatre Program Director Ann Taylor discusses the multiplicity of faiths within her own family—from Sikhism, to Transcendental Meditation—and the ways in which she has relied on her own beliefs throughout her life.

Chapel Talk, 2016 October 21: Generosity / Will Speers

Associate Headmaster Will Speers speaks on small acts of kindness and generosity as what binds us together in shared humanity: "[A]ssertions of generosity connect us when we are alone, bond us to others who are similarly lost, confused, in crisis...

Chapel Talk, 2016 May 22 / Tad Roach

At the school's final Sunday chapel at Old St. Anne's Church, Headmaster Tad Roach bids farewell to the graduating seniors. He acknowledges the changing political climate and the tragedy of the Emmanuel AME Church shooting. Mr...

Chapel Talk, 2015 January 14 / Nathan Costa

Wednesday after the First Week after Epiphany - Mark 1:29-45

In cataloging his time playing church concerts over the Christmas season Nathan Costa, Academic Dean wonders whether it is the numbers one clocks in to that gains one's entrance to Heave..

Chapel Talk, 2015 November 4 / Giselle Furlonge

Classical Languages chair and alumna Giselle Furlonge '03 discusses the Sophocles drama, Antigone (a reading given to her AS Latin class) and her sensitivity towards the character at different times in her life...

Chapel Talk, 2015 September 13 / Tad Roach

At the first Sunday service of the Eucharist in this new school year, Headmaster Tad Roach gave a powerful homily on grace and the challenges of forgiveness with regard to both large national tragedies, and within a small community such as that of St..

Chapel Talk, 2015 April 3: Good Friday / Tad Roach

In speaking of the world's acts of violence over this past year, Headmaster Tad Roach discusses the narrative of Good Friday and its theological meaning: "The simplicity and silence of a baby born in poverty in Bethlehem finds symmetry and coherence..

Chapel Talk, 2015 September 23 / Elizabeth Roach

For this Wednesday night chapel, English Department Chair Elizabeth Roach reflects upon her two big trips over her mini-sabbatical: the blustery landscape of Ireland and Italy, the land of art and food.

Chapel Talk, 2015 October 14: Response / Will Speers

While describing an incident at a family funeral, Associate Headmaster Will Speers talks about personal response to situations as an opportunity to manage events beyond our control: "Even in the face of adversity, our ability to respond reminds us we..

Chapel Talk, 2014 January 10 / Nathan Costa

Noonday Prayer - Friday after Epiphany. John 6:1-14

Nathan Costa, Academic Dean, speaks of the Christmas season, of Epiphany and of the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple - the last feast of Christmas...

Chapel Talk, 2014 February 5 / Tom Fritz

History teacher Tom Fritz talks of memorable dates in the collective memory which have historical significance and of those in his own life that have personal significance.

Chapel Talk, 2014 March 26 / Mary Kelly

Classics teacher Mary Kelly speaks of learning to live with, to accept, and to even embrace her panic disorder as part and parcel of herself. She concludes: "There are different responses to the difficulties we face in life. We can deny them...

Chapel Talk, 2014 November 14 / Giselle Furlonge

In this Chapel Talk Classical Languages Chair and alumna Giselle Furlonge '03 talks about her unhappiness in coming to SAS as a 4th Former. She speaks of both happy and painful experiences during her time as a student...

Chapel Talk, 2014 May 30 / Fabian Geef ' 15

For the 2013-2014 school year, our ASSIST* student was Fabian Geef '15. Traditionally, the final Chapel Talk of the year is held on the Front Lawn and is given by the Assist Student. This is Fabian's talk.

*Each year, St...

Chapel Talk, 2014 January 7 / Tad Roach

In this Epiphany talk, Headmaster Tad Roach discusses William Faulkner's story "The Bear" to illustrate the idea of relinquishment in order to realize one's goals...