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Collection: Spiritual Life, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2006 May 17 / Will Robinson '97

In relating a story of a potential student expulsion at a Louisiana middle school in which he taught, Will Robinson, class of '97, speaks of valuable life lessons learned while attending St. Andrew's...

Chapel Talk, 2006 September 22 / Tania Maatouk '09

Tania Maatouk, class of '09, was home for the summer in Beirut when on July 12, 2006 war broke out in Lebanon. In this talk, she describes the events she experienced when the Israelis bombed the country...

Chapel Talk, 2006 May 3 / Chip Roberts

In this talk, Chip Roberts, a member of Facilities Services, tells of his reliance on faith in God's plan for him while recounting the struggles and tragedies he has experienced. He advises his listeners, "We are here for such a short time...

Chapel Talk, 2006 January 4 / Richard Hutton '01

Before leaving for a tour of military duty in Iraq, History teacher and Admissions associate Richard Hutton, class of '01, offers in this chapel talk "nuggets" of advice for living a life that will allow for happiness and fulfillment.

Chapel Talk, 2006 February 8 / Terence Gilheany

In describing the honor system, History teacher Terence Gilheany reflects that this is what makes the School special: "[Y]ou choose to be honest. It is a simple decision that has far reaching consequences...

Chapel Talk, 2006 January 22 / Wes Goldsberry

In discussing "faith" in the school's motto, " Faith and Learning", Religious Studies teacher Wes Goldsberry discusses the concept of Hell and its place in theological thought and practice.

Old Testament Lesson - Jonah 3:1-5, 10
New Testament Le..

Chapel Talk, 2006 November 8 / Jennifer Cottone

In relaying the episode of her mugging as a college student, chemistry teacher Jenn Cottone speaks of the confidence she gained in her own strengths as a result of facing this frightening incident.

Chapel Talk, 2006 May 21 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach bids farewell to the class of 2006, and challenges the student body - the seniors, as they enter college and underclassmen as they uphold the mission of the school - to continue the spirit of civic engagement.

Chapel Talk, 2006 May 14 / Tad Roach

During the Arts Weekend Chapel Service, Headmaster Tad Roach contemplates the role of competition in the academic, athletic, and the broader world beyond St. Andrew's. Competition at its best can inspire innovation, creativity and excellence...

Chapel Talk, 2006 January 18 / Sarah Bowers '00

In depicting her year as a reading specialist for 5 boys in Washington D.C., Theatre teacher Sarah Bowers, class of '00, describes the frustrations of her students, as well as her frustrations as a teacher: "I wanted to know what had happened, cognit..

Chapel Talk, 2006 February: Leap / Gretchen Hurtt '90

Upon arriving at St. Andrew's as a student - and then again as a teacher - English teacher Gretchen Hurtt, class of '90, talks about the fear she felt, and then examines why "perhaps a little fear is be a good thing...

Chapel Talk, 2005 February 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the relationship that was forged years ago between St. Anne's Church and St. Andrew's School. He speaks of his leadership in an Episcopal Church school that is often faced with many challenges that impact the school...

Chapel Talk, 2005 November 2 / Tad Roach

In speaking of the partnership with the Prep 9 program, Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the civil rights movement and the "dawning recognition of the evils of segregation and prejudice, private schools began to contemplate offering places within the..

Chapel Talk, 2005 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster, Tad Roach addresses the congregation at Old St. Anne's Church. He speaks of this summer where he spent studying and analyzing the early sections of "The Plot Against America."

Chapel Talk, 2005 April 6 / Tad Roach

In this talk, Tad Roach, speaks to us about his reasoning for talking about sex in the opening meeting of the spring. He goes on to tell us of actual events that he experienced while at St...

Chapel Talk, 2005 March / NYC Alumni Service / Tad Roach

At an alumni gathering in New York City at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Tad spoke about teaching English and specifically teaching Philip Roth's book, The Plot Against America. Tad spoke in depth about the relationship between Mrs...

Chapel Talk, 2005 Februay 2 / Wes Goldsberry

In this talk, Religious Studies teacher (and violinist) Wes Goldsberry discusses the historical context of music and its performance during worship in the Protestant church.

Epistle Lesson - Colossians 3:12-17
Gospel Lesson - Mark 8:14-21