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Collection: Publications, Media Type: Documents


The Cardinal, 2011 May 25, Vol. 78, No. 5

"Senior Class Scholarship Acceptances Set a High Standard" Kara McDonough/ "The Importance of Awareness" Chris Reisene/ "Alarmism in the Media" Alec Hill/ "Do We Live in a Bubble?" Mason Dufresne/ "Spring 2011 Athletics Highlights from Every Team" / ..

The Cardinal, 2011 October 7, Vol. 79, No. 1

79th volume, 1st issue of the official student newspaper - October 2011
(This edition of The Cardinal is incorrectly numbered)
Sipprelle field house opening / Maggie Rogers ‘12; Junot Diaz visits for the day / Grace Benjamin ‘12; On the girls’ dres..

The Cardinal, 2011 November 18, Vol. 79, No. 2

79th volume, 2nd issue of the official student newspaper - November 2011
(This edition of The Cardinal is incorrectly numbered)
Homecoming weekend at SAS brings excitement to campus! / Serena Woodward ‘12; Pokemon at St...

Web article, 2010 November 11: "Honoring Our Veterans"

Wilson Everhart's 20th Century History class led a Wednesday chapel service honoring SAS alums who served or are serving in the military. The evening included a piece co-written by Julio Ramirez and Chaitanya Singhania...

The Cardinal, 2010 May 28, Vol. 77, No. 3

Articles: Field house project commences / Meagan Green '11; How to define baseball - a result of too many baseballs to the head / Charlie Hughes '10; Why rowing is amazing / Forrest Brown '11; Thailand versus Iran: Two crises and their American resp..

Web article, 2009 December 13: "Student Art Opening"

A student art opening took place on December 11, 2009 with all of the various fine arts represented. Music was provided by Chaplain Dave DeSalvo along with students, Nick Watson '11, John Cochran '11 and Henry Weaver '12...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2009 Spring

Several articles in this issue engage questions of diversity, beginning with Headmaster Tad Roach's reflections on the theme. Co-Director of Diversity Treava Milton '83 discusses her approach to fostering diversity at St. Andrew's...

Web article, 2009 September 21: "Stories Are Arguments"

Former St. Andrew's English teacher and basketball coach Bobby Rue visited campus and spoke with V and VI Formers about narrative structure. Photos included.

This story was posted on the SAS website on September 21, 2009.

The Cardinal, 2009 October 9, Vol. 77, No. 1

Articles: 23rd annual Wilmington Aids Walk another huge success; To Catch a Lawn Care Specialist / Alec Hill '12; Learning from films of the past / Dan Hasse '10; Education in India: an insider's perspective / Chaitanya Singhania '12; Finding Leader..