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SAS Newsletter: 2019 January 25, Noxontown News

Religious Studies teacher Terence Gilheany reflects on the diversity of life experiences students bring to the St. Andrew's experience, and how the school commits to making adjustments to meet the needs of the students...

The Cardinal, 2019 February 25, Vol. 86 No. 2

86th edition, 2nd issue of the official student newspaper, February 25, 2019.

Editor's Letter from Sofie Neil '19/ "Defining Race: Amorphous and Confusing" by Iris Hwang '20/ "A Political Investigation: Trump's ties to the Russian Government" Lila..

SAS Newsletter: 2019 February 8, Noxontown News

Dean of Studies Gretchen Hurtt described the importance of taking an "empathetic posture" in intellectual pursuits. A group of students visited Erin Burnett '94 on the set of her news show OutFront with Erin Burnett.

The Cardinal, 2019 May 25, Vol. 86 No. 3

86th edition, 3rd issue of the official student newspaper, May 25, 2019.

Editor's Letter from Macklin Fishman '19/ "Ohio's Obsession with Abortion Bills" by Riley Baker '21/ "The Other Fire" by Riley Baker '19/ "Here's What I Am Listening To" Nadi..

The Cardinal, 2019 October 19, Vol. 87 Issue 1

"Realizing our Culture of Kindness" Teddy Pyle '21/ "Delaware’s Problem with Pollution—and What You Can Do About It" Riley Baker '21 and Eleri Phillips ‘21/ "Find Your Space" William Zhuang ‘21/ "A Doll Line Designed to Keep Labels out and Invite Eve..

SAS Newsletter: 2019 March 22, Noxontown News

Dr. Harvey Johnson opened this Noxontown News with a touching tribute to his sister. Before spring break, the theatre department had their winter musical, Catch Me If You Can. Spring sports were in full swing...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2019 Winter

The cover of this issue features Margaret Murphy '19 performing a gel electrophoresis experiment in her AS Chemistry class while classmates Xander Atalay and Tommy Lee observe. Highlights in this magazine include St...

SAS Newsletter: 2019 April 5, Noxontown News

Director of Admissions Heather Daly celebrated St. Andrew's commitment to financial aid in the introductory letter of this Noxontown News. Grandparents and Special Friends Day brought family to campus...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2019 Fall

Fall 2019 SAS Magazine. This edition of the magazine features the completed renovation of Amos Hall. Hans Shen '21 won the Annual Science Lecture competition. Inaugural poet Richard Blanco visits campus. Dr...

SAS Newsletter: 2019 May 17, Noxontown News

Director of Advancement Will Mitchell opened this Noxontown News with a description of the privilege he has hearing stories from parents and alumni who love the school. Arts Weekend presented us with delights of music, art, theatre and dance.

SAS Newsletter: 2019 May 31, Noxontown News

This is the last Noxontown News of the 2018-2019 school year. Director of Communications Liz Torrey bid farewell to Giselle Furlonge, Matt McAuliffe, Peter McLean, and Will Speers...