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SAS Newsletter: 2018 December 14, Noxontown News

Dean of Teaching and Learning Elizabeth Roach opened this issue of Noxontown News. The first Peter K. McLean Science Lecture Competition took place in Engelhard Hall, and Emily Paton '20 took home the inaugural award...

SAS Newsletter: 2018 September 21, Noxontown News

A letter from Director of Communications Liz Torrey opened this issue of Noxontown News, musing upon the magic of St. Andrew's. There are images from advisory dinners, the Frosty Run, the dance program and the Blessing of the Backpacks.

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2018 Winter

The cover of this issue of St. Andrew's Magazine features English Department Chair Elizabeth Roach and History Department Chair Emily Pressman teaching their joint Advanced Studies Humanities class, "History, Literature, and the Contested Past." Dr...

SAS Newsletter: 2018 October 19, Noxontown News

In this issue of Noxontown News, Associate Head of School Will Speers penned a letter in anticipation of Parents Weekend. Lila Feldmann '20 organized a Walk for Water, a 5k to raise funds for a well in Mozambique.

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2018 Fall

The cover of this issue of St. Andrew's Magazine was photographed by Joseph Ketzner P'21 and features cross country runners Carson McCoy '19 and Tad Scheibe '19. Stuart Clarke P'19 delivers the Annual Environmental Lecture...

SAS Newsletter: 2018 November 16, Noxontown News

Dean of Wellness Elizabeth "Whiz" Hutchison opened this issue of Noxontown News, speaking to the culture of wellness and care at St. Andrew's. Women's Network Weekend featured alumni guests Ruby Cramer '08 and Louise Dufresne Serio '09...

SAS Newsletter: 2017 October 06, Noxontown News

Introduced by a letter from Tad Roach, this issue includes classroom and outdoor learning scenes from wellness, math, biology, environmental science, orchestral methods and jazz ensemble...

SAS Newsletter: 2017 October 20, Noxontown News

Introduced by Director of Communications Liz Torrey, this issue highlights teaching and learning across a range of disciplines. Classroom photos from English, math, biology, history, Spanish and music are included...

SAS Newsletter: 2017 November 03, Noxontown News

A letter from Associate Director of Counseling Lindsay Roznowski '99 opens this issue, which recaps the recent Parents Weekend and includes photographs from the fall play (The Canterville Ghost) and performances by the Orchestra, Jazz Enzembles, Noxo..