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Collection: Land and Campus, Media Type: Photos


The Classroom

This photo taken in the 1930's is of a typical classroom in Founders Hall.

Dining Hall, circa early 1930s

This early photo of the Dining Hall predates the N.C. Wyeth mural commissioned by Irene duPont, which was painted between 1936-1938. 12 tables seated 10, and one head table for the Masters seated 12

Photo: Naudain Farm Barn

This is the original barn on the Naudain Farm. The barn was a scenic and agricultural landmark in Southern New Castle County for decades. The building burned to the ground in the 1970s when an arsonist set fire to it.

Playing on the pond in the winter

This photo was identified by John Dewar '76 with the following information: "I'm not sure why I think this, or if it's true but I believe this picture is circa 'early 70's, maybe 1973-4. It seems to me it's of Mrs...

Original Farm House

This photograph is of the original farm house located on St. Andrew's School property and is a part of faculty housing.

Photo: "Front Lawn"

Photo received from John Schoonover ' 63. Picture was taken in the early years of St. Andrew's School by Cortland Schoonover. Mr. Schoonover was the St...