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Collection: Athletics, Media Type: Documents


Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Football, 1969 - 1986

The attached document is Bob Colburn's personal scrapbook for football, from 1969 until 1986. The book includes newspaper clippings from The Cardinal and local Delaware newspapers, photos, and stats.

Coaches Records - Girls' Lacrosse

St. Andrew's first lacrosse season was in 1978 with the record 5-3 coming in 2nd at the Broadmeadow Tournament. Included in the attached file are the list of head coaches records from 1978 to 2012...

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Baseball, 1961 - 1963

The attached document is Bob Colburn's personal scrapbook for baseball, from 1961 until 1963. The book includes newspaper clippings from The Cardinal and local Delaware newspapers, photos, and stats.