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Collection: Commencement, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2013 May 26: Baccalaureate / Mike Hyde

In his Baccalaureate remarks, Boys Athletic Director Mike Hyde encourages the graduates to be thankful for and to thank their parents for their sacrifices in allowing their children's attendance at the School.

Chapel Talk, 2011 May 25: Baccalaureate - Memories / Will Speers

In discussing two childhood memories, Will Speers reflects on how memories "can bridge distance and absence." How the students here remind us of our uninhibited selves: "You inspire those in our 20’s and those in our 50’s to reconnect to our childh..

Chapel Talk, 2010 May 30: Baccalaureate / Morgan Scoville '00

Speaking to the Class of '10, Assistant Director of Admissions Morgan Scoville, class of '00, advises the graduates to reflect on what the Chapel Program has given them over the course of their time at the School, and that "[s]pending time in this sp..

Chapel Talk, 2009 May 24: Baccalaureate / Wilson Everhart '95

In this Commencement Chapel Talk, History teacher Wilson Everhart, class of '95, counsels the Class of 2009 to, "Move on...sort of." Advice to move on to "passionate engagement" in "whatever community awaits" is tempered by advice to retain close bo..

Commencement Address 2008: Darra Goldstein P'08

"Don't Be Too Sure" was the title of the commencement address given by Darra Goldstein to the Class of 2008. Ms. Goldstein, Francis Christopher Oakley Third Century Professor of Russian at Williams College...