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Collection: Chapel Talks, Media Type: Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings(90)

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2016 February 3 / Ann Taylor '86

Spiritual Buds on the Family Tree - Arts Department Co-Chair and Theatre Program Director Ann Taylor discusses the multiplicity of faiths within her own family—from Sikhism, to Transcendental Meditation—and the ways in which she has relied on her own..

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2016 January 13 / Deborah Stein

Welcoming Refugees in a Time of Crisis - Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries Deborah Stein spoke about the current global refugee crisis, and shares with students ways in which they can get involved in advocating for and assisting resettled re..

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2016 January 6 / Tad Roach

Creative Acts of Epiphany - Headmaster Tad Roach delivers a Chapel Talk on the Wednesday before Epiphany. In it, he explores a creative and courageous act of epiphany taken place right now in Afghanistan.

Chapel Talk, 2016 November 30 / Ed Strong ’66

The Consequential Inconsequential - 2016 Distinguished Alumni Ed Strong '66 P'07,'10 gives a Chapel Talk on the "consequential inconsequential": those apparently small things in one's life—a gift, a conversation, a choice—that turn out to be transfor..

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2016 May 13 / Cindy Lay ’18

Rejecting a Single Category - Cindy Lay '18 recounts how her involvement in St. Andrew's Multi-Racial Affinity Group has helped her to let go of the need to categorize herself as a particular race.

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2016 September 28 / Dave Miller

Looking for Red Ivy in Wrigley Field - Spanish teacher Dave Miller shares some of his experiences from his sabbatical year in Costa Rica, and encourages us all to seek new perspectives on those things we think we "already know."

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2015 December 2 / John Seabrook ’76

Looking Under the Rock - Distinguished Alumni award recipient John Seabrook '76 gives a Chapel Talk on the source of his enduring curiosity (hint: it has to do with Bill Amos) that fuels his work as a writer for the New Yorker magazine.

Audio: Chapel Talk, 2011 September 28 / Kassy Fritz

In this chapel talk Kassy discusses her summer vacation with her family at Moose Head Ranch in Wyoming. Kassy talks about striking the balance between being a mother, wife, teacher, coach, and advisor to her family as well as that of the St...