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Collection: Student Publications, Media Type: Documents


The National Andrean, Vol. 2 No. 1, 1999

The National Andrean was a literary journal designed to promote creative writing at the secondary level through featuring creative works from students around the country. The journal was staffed by St...

The Cardinal, School Year 1997-1998, 1998-1999, Vol. 68

68th volume of the official student newspaper. 4 issues are in this volume dating from April 1998 to May 1999. The issues are April 1998, 1, 2 and 3.

April 1998 - "Concert Choir has many 'firsts' in South of France" Sarah Bowers '00/ "Mr...

The National Andrean, Vol. 1 No. 1, 1998

The National Andrean was a literary journal designed to promote creative writing at the secondary level through featuring creative works from students around the country. The journal was staffed by St...

The Cardinal, School Year 1992-1993, Vol. 62

62nd volume of the official student newspaper which includes here just 1 issue.

October 1992 - "At Least He Ain't Dukakis: A Brief Look at the '92 Election", Jonathan Williams '94/ "Hidden Pain", Abigail McBride '93/ "What Now, Now What?", Remming..

The Cardinal, School Year 1985-1986, Vol. 55

55th volume of the official student newspaper of which the Archive holds 1 issue.

"Reflections On Gloria", Jim Thomas '86 / "Foreign Students", Monica Winsor '86 / "ART MAJORS", Dawn Hillman '86 / "Editorial" Stefan Granito / "Senior Column", Tim ..