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Collection: Web Articles / Stories, Media Type: Documents


Web article, 2010 November 11: "Honoring Our Veterans"

Wilson Everhart's 20th Century History class led a Wednesday chapel service honoring SAS alums who served or are serving in the military. The evening included a piece co-written by Julio Ramirez and Chaitanya Singhania...

Web article, 2009 December 13: "Student Art Opening"

A student art opening took place on December 11, 2009 with all of the various fine arts represented. Music was provided by Chaplain Dave DeSalvo along with students, Nick Watson '11, John Cochran '11 and Henry Weaver '12...

Web article, 2009 September 21: "Stories Are Arguments"

Former St. Andrew's English teacher and basketball coach Bobby Rue visited campus and spoke with V and VI Formers about narrative structure. Photos included.

This story was posted on the SAS website on September 21, 2009.

Web article, 2009 November 19: "Fall Sports Assembly"

The fall sports assembly took place during school meeting November 19, 2009. Prize winners appear in this article along with some remarks. Photos included.

This story appeared on the SAS website November 25, 2009.