Actors: Sarah Bowers, Maria Morse, Piper Monk, Jennifer Daise, Frances Symes, Michael Warner, Pedro Dalmau, Megan Schuller, Charlotte Taylor, John Allen, Ashley Gosnell, Georgie Devereux, Christopher Speers, Hadley Roach, Cinda Caldwell, Robbie Penn..
Presented by St. Andrew's School. Director/Designer: Ann Matthers McTaggart; Master Carpenter: Fletcher McTaggart; Stage Manager: LeMar Mclean; Costumes: Ann Mathers McTaggart, The Costumer, Albany New York; Fairy Song: Composed by Marc E...
Based upon The Gospel According to St. Matthew. Conceived & Originally Directed by John-Michael Teblank. Originally produced on the New York Stage by Edgar Lansbury, Stuart Duncan, Joseph Beruh...
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Publishing Co. Actors: Leslie Hirsh, Alex Clay, Tara Gilbreath, Jarrett, Griffin, Emmy Nicklin, Sarah Bowers, Ann Awantang, John Vassalotti, Laura Westfall, Louise Howlett, Jon King...
Actors: Jon King, Cynthia Miller, Aakash Dharmadhikari, Pedro Dalmau, Elisa Espiritu, Nick Sabloff, Kim Cortes, Sarah Bowers, Tara Gilbreath, Matthew Roach. Musicians: Max Breakwell, Mark Phillips...
Presented by St. Andrew's School. "Once Upon a Mattress" produced by special arrangement with the Rodgers and Hammerstein Theatre Library. Director/Designer: Ann McTaggart. Musical Director: Marc F. Cheban...
Presented by The St. Andrew's School Theatre by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Actors: Emmett Stinson, Alex Handy, Will Garner, Neil Miller, Jon Juane, Joe Freeman, Brad Barnes, Mark Bourne, Sofia Hirst, Angelica Williams...
Presented by St. Andrew's School. Cast: Erin Burnam, Erin Tarasi, Doris Short, Conor Hanover, Andrew Pipes, Richie Everts, Alex Handy, Noelle Richards, Jon Dunn, J.R...
Presented by "The St. Andrew's Mini-Bit Theatre". Master of Ceremonies: Jane Shaffer. Cast: Jane Shaffer , Ryan Lewis, Doris Short, Jon Ruane, MacKenzie Pitcairn, Lisa Olsen, Amanda Fischer, Missy Smith, Ryan Lewis, Marc F...
Presented by St. Andrew's School. Cast: Shanna Samarasinghe, Megan Forney, Grant Shuman, Beth Schneider, Anne Keller, Ed Jones, Erik Heinle, James Ralph Neal III, Angelica Williams, Deepak Voora, Luther McElroy II, Joe Freeman, Will Garner...