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Group: Chapel Talks: Tad Roach, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2003 February 5 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses student responsibility for academic and intellectual engagement. "We all have a responsibility for respecting, protecting, developing and transforming the intellectual culture of St...

Chapel Talk, 2003 March 24 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach gave this talk 2 days after the invasion of Iraq by American forces in 2003. It explores reaction to and reasons behind the pre-emptive war...

Chapel Talk, 2002 January 30/ Tad Roach

In this talk, Headmaster Tad Roach outlines the criteria for "a community of hope, of goodness" as opposed to one that settles "for lower standards, expectations, diminished codes of conduct." The School is challenged to be a great community.


Chapel Talk, 2002 May 19 / Tad Roach

In this final talk of the School year 2001-2002 held at Old St. Anne's Church, Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the loss of Ches Baum, Hoover Sutton and Robert Jordan'86...

Chapel Talk, 2002 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001. Included are Poems by Galway Kinnell and Rupert Brook, as well as a quotation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Chapel Talk, 2002 October / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses empathy and citizenship as manifested in the form of Community Service. "Service is not an expression of selfishness on the part of the volunteer. It is not an expression of condescension, superiority and elitism...

Chapel Talk, 2001 March 28 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach speaks on the nature of sexual relationships that occur without love, without rational thought, with pressure. "I am...concerned about the way sexual relationships begin, develop and end in our culture...

Chapel Talk, 2001 May 20 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the end of the School year 2000-2001: "What elements, what forces have held us back from achieving more, learning more, loving more, aspiring to more?"

Chapel Talk, 2001 September 9/ Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses the significance of historian Professor Joseph Ellis's fabrication of military service: "Professor Ellis wanted the badge of honor of being a war veteran and ironically risked his reputation and identity as a scholar in..

Chapel Talk, 2001 October 10 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach outlines the facts of the September 11 terrorist attacks as is known at the time, and defines topics of national discussion during this conflict "which is as dangerous as it is complex." "So many questions now demand our attenti..

Chapel Talk, 2000 September 6 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses Richard Wright's novel "Black Boy." "Wright’s story teaches us a lot about courage, resilience and determination. We need to live lives that are real and authentic...

Chapel Talk, 1999 January 27 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach gave this talk on the occasion of Ches Baum's (class of '36) 80th birthday."Truth, beauty, the knowledge and love of God—Ches Baum argues that to be a St...

Chapel Talk, 1999 September 8 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses "An American Requiem" by James Carroll, citing a passage about, and a eulogy for, his friend Patrick Hughes; and a discussion of "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Tad urges the students to live fully and with passion.

Chapel Talk, 1999 November 10 / Tad Roach

In this talk Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the nature of doing the work of a teacher at St. Andrew's; discusses St. Andrew's student culture; and how the two are related in creating the values and qualities of the School...

Chapel Talk, 1998 March 25 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the significance of ritual and ceremony, specifically graduation and in particular for St. Andrew's, as commencement approaches.

Chapel Talk, 1998 September 9 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach discusses the story "After Rain" by William Trevor: "William Trevor beautifully suggests that the beauty of nature, the majesty of art and the power of religion have the capacity to help us see ourselves and the world around us ..

Chapel Talk, 1992 Fall / Tad Roach

An excerpted chapel talk given in 1992 by Tad Roach prior to his becoming headmaster. He discusses Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. The main emphasis is on the role of the wives of politicians.