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Collection: Publications, Media Type: Documents


St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1996 Winter

This issue of the School magazine introduces French and English teacher Monica Matouk '84 as the new Academic Dean along with Math and Science teacher Eric Kemer as her associate...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1996 January

The main focus of this issue of the magazine is the announcement of Headmaster Jon O'Brien's retirement and the Board of Trustees appointment of Tad Roach as the fourth headmaster of St. Andrew's School...

Admissions Catalog 1996-1997

This catalog was printed for incoming students as well as prospective students and their families to use as a guide for the school year...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1996 Spring

The Noteworthy section features a photo of librarian Shannon Hanover standing beside an oak cabinet filled with a mix of musical CDs donated to the library by Rachel Mandes, sister of the late library director, Chuck Mandes, given in his memory...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1996 Fall

This issue opens up with the Noteworthy section focusing on naturalist filmmaker John McNeely visiting campus and introducing an endangered species, the Andean condor, to the community; the school updating its phone system to include voicemail for ev..

Admissions Catalog 1994-1995

This catalog was printed for incoming students as well as prospective students and their families to use as a guide for the school year...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1995 Fall

Alums Bob '75 and Anne Amos '78 are featured on the cover of this issue along with their children Nathan and Sarah. Sportsbeat updates on all things pertaining to spring sports...

World War II Stories and Recollections

This is a collection of stories and experiences from St. Andrew's alumni who served during World War II. "This book grew out of a single letter, hand-scrawled on a sheet of legal pad, from Buzz Speakman '38 to one of his St...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1994 Winter

This edition opens up with an article written by Headmaster Jon O'Brien titled "Teacher as Coach." A profile of all faculty varsity coaches is included. A 1993 fall sports wrap-up along with a list of all conference players can be found...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1994 Spring

This issue of the magazine opens with a tribute from Chuck Mandes to longtime Classics teacher and soccer coach, Evert van Buchem upon his retirement. Nan Mein along with Donna Speers report on twenty years of coeducation...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1994 Fall

This issue focuses on commencement and the annual report. Deval Patrick delivering the 1994 commencement address is the cover photo with his remarks included in the magazine...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1993 Fall

This issue of the Magazine opens with a From the Headmaster with Jon O'Brien where he discusses the retirement of longtime faculty member Hoover Sutton. A look back on chapel talks given by faculty during the 1992-1993 school year...

Admissions Catalog 1993-1994

This catalog is the first to print list of contents. This catalog was printed for incoming students as well as prospective students and their families to use as a guide for the school year...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1993 Spring

This issue's front and back covers feature the newly opened Genereaux Aquatic Center. Editor Donna Speers writes about counseling and the many different ways counseling takes place at SAS, e.g., formal/professional, academic, disciplinary...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1993 Winter

This issue of the magazine opens with an article on how SAS prepares its students for college followed up by responses from alums describing their college experiences and a snapshot of the Class of 1992 and their college destinations...

St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1992 Fall

This issue dubbed as the "Back to School Issue", features many faculty members, previous and current. The previous faculty members include Bill Amos, Ches Baum '36, George Broadbent, Blackburn Hughes, Lillian Foley, Sandy Olgiby and many, many more...

The Cardinal, School Year 1992-1993, Vol. 62

62nd volume of the official student newspaper which includes here just 1 issue.

October 1992 - "At Least He Ain't Dukakis: A Brief Look at the '92 Election", Jonathan Williams '94/ "Hidden Pain", Abigail McBride '93/ "What Now, Now What?", Remming..