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Collection: Chapel Talks, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2011 October 26: Hazel River / Peter McLean

Science teacher Peter McLean, in speaking of hiking, drinking, swimming in the Hazel River, discusses ways in which others have fought for a protected, healthier environment; and explores ways in which each of us also can better observe, better appre..

Chapel Talk, 2011 September 21 / Will Robinson

In this talk, Communications Director, Will Robinson tells us of the love story that blossomed at St. Andrew's school during his 9th grade year between himself and the then Lindsay Dormer.

Chapel Talk, 2011 November 18 / Lindsay Brown

For the annual Thanksgiving chapel talk, Mr. Brown shares with us his own personal experiences with regard to hard work. Thinking of the Pilgrims and how hard they would have had to work in order to survive...

Chapel Talk, 2011 May 25: Baccalaureate - Memories / Will Speers

In discussing two childhood memories, Will Speers reflects on how memories "can bridge distance and absence." How the students here remind us of our uninhibited selves: "You inspire those in our 20’s and those in our 50’s to reconnect to our childh..

Chapel Talk, 2011 October 16: You Have A Voice / Bill Cashion

In this talk, Bill Cashion, a member of the School's Technology Department, speaks of a video that CNN shows of a 16 year old boy, Philip Garber who has a stuttering problem and for this he is treated differently by adults and his peers. Mr...

Chapel Talk, 2011 September 28 / Kassy Fritz

In this chapel talk Kassy discusses her summer vacation with her family at Moose Head Ranch in Wyoming. Kassy talks about striking the balance between being a mother, wife, teacher, coach, and advisor to her family as well as that of the St...

Chapel Talk, 2011 February 6 / Tad Roach

The reading for this Sunday Chapel was Matthew 5:13-20.

In this talk, Headmaster Tad Roach says "I have been thinking about the concept of longing" for knowledge, discovery, human rights, equality, justice, as embodied respectively by Carolyn Por..

Chapel Talk, 2011 April 27 / Tom Fritz

Tom Fritz speaks to us about the pressures in today society for men to act or behave a certain way and to not show emotions, such as crying, because it is considered weak...

Chapel Talk, 2011 November 9 / Lindsay Wright

French teacher and Girls's Athletic Director Lindsay Wright, shares with us what New Year's Day means to her and her family. Their New Year’s tradition was to watch the Rose Bowl...

Chapel Talk, 2011 May 22 / Tad Roach

In the spring St. Anne's Sunday Chapel Service, Headmaster Tad Roach contemplates a change to the traditional wording of the St. Andrew's diploma.

Chapel Talk, 2010 May 12 / Sarah Demers

In this talk, Sarah Demers, a third year teacher in our English Department, speaks of her love of teaching, of surprises in teaching, of teachable moments, and that learning is never done.

Chapel Talk, 2010 May 30: Baccalaureate / Morgan Scoville '00

Speaking to the Class of '10, Assistant Director of Admissions Morgan Scoville, class of '00, advises the graduates to reflect on what the Chapel Program has given them over the course of their time at the School, and that "[s]pending time in this sp..

Chapel Talk, 2010 March 24: Philippe Petit / Mark Hammond

In discussing wire-walker Philippe Petit's feat of walking between the World Trade Center towers, Physics teacher Mark Hammond speaks about what it takes to accomplish an objective: "The story of Petit's wire-walk is one of perseverance and resilienc..

Chapel Talk, 2010 October 3: Proper 22 / Rev. Louise Howlett

Former St. Andrew's Chaplain Louise Howlett, speaks of the truth about life in the Bible: "The Bible writers don’t try to say that if you just have faith enough nothing bad will ever happen, or that with God watching over us everything makes sense...

Chapel Talk, 2009 September 13 / Tad Roach

At the fall St. Anne's Sunday Service, Headmaster Tad Roach addresses how individual achievement alone does not serve the whole, but relinquishing the ego and putting others ahead of yourself serves the greater good.

Chapel Talk, 2009 May 17 / Tad Roach

In the May 2009 issue of The Atlantic, Joshua Wolf Shenk described a Harvard study that followed 268 men for 72 years with the objective to find out why some men flourish while others fade...